Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Something that i will never forget.

To any and all who care. I have just found out Santa is not real, laugh as you might, this means much more to me. When i was to, a family member gave me a stuffed kitty, she was my life, we went everywhere together, and on the last day of 2nd grade, i brought her to a friends house. I stayed the night and left my beloved kitty in there car. When i got home the first thing was to take out and play with my little kitten. I was devastated when i found her not there. My whole family was looking for her, but we soon got word she had been thrown away. My little kitten, gone. My mother to help me, said we were still looking for her. seven months went by and a few weeks before Christmas, i mad my list. I had one item. My kitten. Her real name is Libby. On Christmas eve I got a package. It was from santa. I opened it and fell on the ground when i saw her, She looked different than my Libby, but the letter that came with it said otherwise. In this letter in said she had been refreshed with a new look with the help of the elves. I have had that Libby and never thought it was not her until now. I had asked my brother if he believed in santa, he told me he was not real. The first thing that went thorough my head was Libby. I went to bed with the help of my brother. This morning i got a call from my mom and she told me what happened. This was not my Libby. My mom had freaked out when she heard what happened to my Libby. She called the makers for this Kitten and said she has been discontinued. My mom knew how sad i would be and just could not tell me, and the seven months went by and my mom got a call. It was the lady and she had found one kitten in the storage room. My mother was over joyed and and passed her on to me how i said she did. So if it takes me a little to respond, i might be crying. If you read this and are laughing, then go ahead. I know my risk of putting this here. But thank you for reading.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, i cried alot yesterday, but i love my new Libby just as i did the old, but this kitten needed me, she was lost in the store room for two years, ever since i have had her.

  2. Aw *huggle* I'm so sorry about that D:
